On demand webinar

Private Cellular & Wi‑Fi Network Design in the Real World

With special guest:

Join us and Celona for this webinar on how to design and deploy private cellular & Wi‑Fi networks using the new iBwave Private Networks solution.

Robin Mitchell from iBwave is using the example of a warehouse for indoor RF design – and its outdoor container/transportation yard for outdoor – to show you how to practically design a unified enterprise wireless network. ​​​​He is walking you through the differences in designing for cellular and Wi‑Fi connectivity, and best practices in utilizing one technology next to the other.

Jeremy “JR” Rollinson from Celona is sharing notes on deploying a private 5G LAN, tightly integrated with existing enterprise IT infrastructure and operational workflows.

Guest Speakers

Robin Mitchell

Robin Mitchell
Manager, Sales Engineering
iBwave Solutions

JR Rollinson

JR Rollinson
Tech Marketing Engineer