5G EducationGet the best educational content on 5G you could ask for.

Scroll through our available 5G eBooks, Reference Posters, White Papers and Webinars to learn more about 5G today.

5G Quick Reference Posters

Download high-resolution printable version of the latest wireless reference posters for the in-building industry.

5G White Papers

Read more about 5G in these great white papers!

5G NR Prediction Accuracy in iBwave Design

This white paper, by Vladan Jevremovic, describes the venue, technical details of the trial network implementation, compares the predicted and measured 5G NR coverage, and presents statistical analysis of the prediction error.

5G NR Prediction Accuracy in iBwave Design

5G Design Best Practices

Take a technical dive into designing 5G networks, the difference of 5G and LTE, 5G antennas, EMF radiation compliance, coverage scope limitations and more. Discover the challenges of 5G network designs, and how to address them with our new White Paper, 5G Design Best Practices, by Vladan Jevremovic.

5G Design Best Practices White Paper

5G Technology Primer

5G has the power to provide connectivity to a wide range of applications in the cellular industry. In this white paper, Vladan Jevremovic and Ali Jemmali go into detail on 5G and the unique characteristics that make it the spectrum of the future. It provides an in depth analysis on the features of the technology so you can feel confident in designing the networks of the future.

5G Technology Primer White Paper by iBwave

In-Building Network Evolution: from 4G to 5G

5G Networks promise to bring many technical innovations to the field of cellular technologies. In this white paper, Vladan Jevremovic focuses on key 5G features and in-building network challenges and discuss which type of 4G networks may be most affected by transitioning to 5G.

In-Building Network Evolution: from 4G to 5G

eBooks on 5G technology

Explore these eBooks and learn more about in‑building networks and wireless convergence!

Private LTE & 5G Networks

This eBook gives a top-level view of the evolution of private 4G and 5G networks, how they are enabled and delivered, and the rationale for enterprises and other organizations to deploy them.


Integrating & Operating 5G Use Cases

This eBook revisits the state of 5G in the enterprise marketplace, with a focus on indoor/on-campus environments. It examines the broader impact of business, society and technological changes on industry transformation.


5G & In-Building Wireless Convergence

5G is an exciting new technology, but what’s the reality, use cases and practicalities when it comes to indoor 5G wireless? Learn more about what the future may hold for this new technology.

Indoor 5G & In-Building Wireless Convergence

In-Building Network Convergence

Learn more about convergence and what it is, what impact it may have on the Enterprise and the wireless industry as a whole, and what is driving the integration of cellular, Wi-Fi and Fiber infrastructures.

eBook: In-Building Network Convergence

iBwave 5G Webinars

Featuring iBwave in-building experts and industry partners discussing the latest indoor and wireless challenges and trends.